Monday, April 16, 2012

Reading Response 13: Sculpted Modernism

Reading Response 13: Sculpted Modernism

Sculpted Modernism was a architectural movement associated with Late Modernism. The past forms of modernism associated with bland, vertical, machine like buildings composed of a steel frame and glass- sheathed were replaced by uniquely sculpted forms ( Roth, p. 572).The main goal of sculpted modernism was to create an architectural form that effectively communicated to the user ( Roth, p. 572).

Roofless Church, New Harmony, Indiana
  •  Curved shingled roof in a rose shape- a symbolic reference to the church
  • Delicate form- contrasted early modernism
  • Curves indicate movement

Pennzoil Place, Houston, Texas

  • Two Vertical structures- Early modernism comprised of a single form
  • Roof Tops sliced at vertical angle- Early modern building had a flat roof
  • Black Glass covers otter shell

The Grand Louvre, Paris France
  •  Transparent
  • Pyramid Shaped
  •  Space frame truss 
  • Dark during the day and glows at night!
  • I believe the shape in meant to resemble a gem as a symbol of what is underneath.

 Today it is very common to see a sculptured form or sculptured entrance outside of a commercial buildings. I believe that sculptured modernism has had a lasting impression on today's design

  • Roth, Leland M., Understanding Architecture, 2nd ed., 2007.

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