Friday, April 27, 2012

Blog Post: Extra Credit

Kermit Bailey Presents:
 Designing Place: A Framework for Multidisciplinary Exploration of Place based Narrative in South-Park, East Raleigh

Chavis Park, Raleigh, NC

     Professor at NC State University, as well as, Graphic Designer Kermit Bailey came and discussed his research and role in the exploration of South Park located in Raleigh , NC. Bailey was interested in "Mapping" out the information about why places can be so important. Through his efforts of understanding Bailey, along with his research aids, gave the residents of South Park smart phones in which they were to record places which held a specific value.The smart phones were outfitted with GPS, which allowed Bailey to track the narrative of the user. Through such data collects, as well as, through personal interviews Bailey is interested in better understanding the ideals or beliefs of the  South Park community. In fact, it is hypothesized that through identity, branding and preservation occurs. Therefore, becoming a self sustainable or self renewing community.

Chavis Park, Raleigh, NC

Work Cited

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