Monday, April 9, 2012

Reading Response 12: Frank Llyod Wright

Reading Response 12: Frank Lloyd Wright

      During Frank Lloyd Wright's career from 1867-1959 he designed over four hundred houses and over a dozen commercial buildings ( Ching, p. 694). I have choose a few of my favorites we are reading about in IARC 221:

Robie House, Chicago, Illinois


  • Linear- roof extends dramatically out
  • Fire Place creates a strong center
  • Used contrasting color with the white trim
  • Personally designed all interior furniture

Taliesin West, Spring Garden Wisconsin


  •  "Natural House" ; It seems to be a part of the hill
  • Different Levels of scale
  • Horizontal
  • Made of natural material
  • designed landscape


  • Harmoniously built into the land
  • Linear: Horizontal  Dominance with  cylindrical under tones
  • Designed most of interior furniture
  • Natural color scheme

I personally got to visit Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water on a recent field trip. I found the structure to be truly inspirational. I especially appreciated Wright's affinity for detail. I found every  edges to me both meaningful and seamless in design.. One of my favorite aspects of the design was the use of two large existing boulder Wright  used as a natural cantilever to balance the weight of the  first floor. Through examination of Wright's work  I  have discover that design truly is limitless!


  • Ching, A Global History of Architecture

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