Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Reading Response 10: Neoclassicism


The idea of Neoclassicism emerged in the early 1700s. Neoclassicism refers to an Enlightenment- driven movement the emphasized the significance of reason, order, and civility ( Ching, p. 605). Neoclassical Architecture was a counter to the designs associated with the Rocco and the Baroque ornate style. For example, it moved away from the curves  towards a more rectilinear design ( Ching, p. 605).

In England, Neoclassic Architecture was being built primarily by the upper in the private sectors( Ching, p.610). Whereas in France, Neoclassicism was associated with the Enlightenment , as well as, the French Revolution- thus possessing a civic connection ( Ching, p. 605). Lastly in Germany, Neoclassic architecture expressed the rise of the nation-state ans therefore was the style chosen to represent it's new public institutions such as, schools, museums, and theaters ( Ching, p 605).

Kenwood House, Hampstead, London

  • Linear
  • Stripped of decoration/ plain
  • Residential Building

Arc de Triomphe, Paris , France

  • Civic Monument 
  • Sense of Balance

Befreiungshalle Hall of Liberation Kelheim, Germany

  • Public Hall/ Museum
  •  Designed by neoclassic architect Leo von Klenze 
  • Harmonious

  • Ching, France D., A Global History of Architecture, 2nd ed, 2010.

Blog Post 10: Revolutionary Design

A Revolutionary Design

Revolution defined is a sudden, radical, or complete change. ( 

     When asked to select a designed object in my everyday world that I believed carries messages of revolution I immediately thought of the electric car. Although the development of the electric car has been a long process we suddenly have developed numerous vehicles that run solely on electricity. I believe that this sudden success is  a direct resolute of a radical change in the way society view's it's own impact on the environment. I hope one day soon that the conversion to a more sustainable vehicle solution- be it electric or other- is a complete change!

Nissan Leaf


Monday, March 19, 2012

Blog Post 9: The Language of Architecture

                           The Language of Architecture

The Norway Coast Cultural Center by Gudmundur Jonsson, Rorvik, Norway

                            Come Sail Away With Me!!!   

Come sail away with me is exactly what this building is saying to me. In fact, it takes my imagination for a spin  thinking about all the places I would explore on this magical vessel. The smooth angular flowing motion of the walls mimics the shape a sail of a sailboat cutting through the water. I find that the ambient upward lighting masks the stilts and therefore further indulges my imagination!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

LIght Box

We were asked to recreate a light expression of our choosing using only a white box!

My Inspiration was a  coin fountain at Southpointe Mall

Rough Draft Made of Cardboard

Final Draft Made of  Foam Core

Due to the fact that my picture was of water I  added to telescope on the outside so it would have a more nautical feel. I love how the telescope draws you into the experience inside awaiting.

Next we were asked to recreate the experience with color. I choose to make one box using my coloraid paper and the other I choose to use stain glass. I still stayed true to form and continued fourth with the telescope construction.



       LIGHT  BOX

DIning Space I created for my Table

East View

NE  View

North View

North View

Top View

West View

North West Aerial View
I envisioned my space feeling very industrial. Therefore, I felt that an old factory converted into a studio apartment would be the perfect place for my dining room and my table. In construction the walls will be brick. However, I have chosen to keep the room white for proper space examination.

DIning Table: The Benchwirght Table

Out of the previous tables we examined in class , we were asked to further examine one table through the exploration of construction. I choose Pottery Barn's Benchwright Extending table in a wax pine finish

Rough Model Benchwright dining table, Pottery Barn

      Benchwright Dining Table, Pottery Barn

86'' L x  42''W x 30''H: Extends 122''L !

Because I loved the style of this table so much I decided to build a table that resembled it for myself.

Wood grain with grey pattern

 I used the natural grey marking found in the wood to create an interesting pattern for the table top.


Examining Dining Tables

We were asked to look at dining room tables and choose a few of our favorites. i choose to examine dining tables from Pottery Barn. Listed below are: The Weatherby, Palmetto, Benchwright, Cortona, and the Hayden Pedestal.

Examination of Pottery Barn Dining Tables

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Assignment 6: The Cup, Top, Front & Section

                                          Assignment 6: The Cup, Top, Front & Section

Assignment 5:Studio Dining Space Plan & Sections

                                     Assignment 5:Studio Dining Space Plan & Sections

Assignment 4: Fabric

                                                                 Assignment 4: Fabric

Assignment 3: Wood

                                                               Assignment 3: Wood

Assigment 2: Scale Exercises

                                                           Assigment 2: Scale Exercises

Assignment 1: Lettering MLK Speech

                                       Assignment 1: Lettering MLK Speech

Assignment 1: Lettering MLK Speech


Project 4: Ravenna Baptistery Plan & Section

Project 4: Ravenna Baptistery Plan & Section

Ravenna Baptistery Plan & Section

Project 3: Studio Plan & Sections

Project 3: Studio Plan & Sections

1st Year IARC studio Plan

North Elevation

West Elevation

1st Year IARC  studio plan REDO

West Elevation REDO

North Elevation REDO

Project 5: Cubes in Perpective

                                      Project 5: Cubes in Perpective

Project 2: Value scale

Project 2: Value Scale

Project 2: Value Scale Redo